Below are frequently asked questions, you may find the answer for yourself.
Are products legal?
All products are absolutely legal. We create them using some coupon codes. If there is a product you think is illegal, you can notify us by mail.
Can I get a refund?
If there is a problem with the product caused by us, we make a refund.
How long does the delivery take?
Usually we deliver the account information to you instantly. But sometimes it takes a long time to create accounts. Estimated Delivery: 3-24 Hours
Where can I find the product information I purchased?
When your account details are ready you can find in My Account > Orders > View “Order Updates” line
If the account I bought was blocked what should I do?
If you obey the instructions your account won’t block. If account blocked we can’t do anything. Please obey the instructions.
Is the account I bought shared with other people?
The account you purchased is exclusive to you. We do not share account informations with other people.
What if I share the account informations I purchased with my friends?
Your account can be blocked by provider(SEMRush, Moz, Envato, etc). We do not accept any responsibility.
Can I pay with other payment gateways?
Yes. For other payment methods, please contact us by live chat or Telegram.
I have other questions.
You can ask your questions via e-mail.